“Doing the right things for the right reasons with the right people every single time to the best of our ability even when no one is looking.”
ALA Motto
Perry County Job and Family Services
- Partnership to provide partial funding of ALA programming for partner schools and Perry County programs
- Adult Job Search program – ALA sessions, began in 2015
- Adult CCMEP program – ALA sessions (Comprehensive Case Management and Employment Program), began in 2016
- Summer Youth Employment Program – ALA sessions, began in 2017
Southern Local Schools
- Pilot site for ALA session in a school setting, 2012
- Middle School 7th and 8th grade and High School sessions – offered for credit towards graduation
New Lexington City Schools
- Middle School ALA sessions began in January 2017, offering sessions to a select group of 7th and 8th graders
- High School sessions began in August 2017
- High School ALA sessions offered for credits for graduation
Crooksville Exempted Village Schools
- Middle School ALA sessions began August 2019, for all 7th & 8th grade students
Somerset Church of Christ
- Members attend PP group sessions and have participated in Service Projects with the Pioneering Possibilities group, including floats, collecting supplies for Operation Grace, helping PP members with reading, and completing work projects
Scott Pfettscher
- Partnered with Lancaster High School (2018-19 school yr) to facilitate ALA Integrity/Ethics Curriculum as part of the work adjustment class
- Used ALA Curriculum with TeenWorks participants
Angela Harris, BS, CSSC
TeenWorks Executive Director
Scioto County Board of Developmental Disabilities
Jessica Hoffer
Behavior Support Coordinator
Richland County Job & Family Services